Sunday, May 8, 2016

Spring Has Sprung!

I have been photographing both of these girls since they were newborns, about three times a year.  One of them has a March birthday but we just did not get to photographing her until April.  And I'm so glad it worked out this way because so many wild flowers were blooming!  I was a little concerned about the outside temperature though...

...We decided on a 10am photo shoot, which is smidge later than preferred due to less shadows, but sometimes all that extra light ends up working in my favor.  Anyway, one thing I did not consider was the temperature.  I had looked ahead to the weather for rain/clouds/sunshine/etc and sunshine was in the forecast.  Yay!  But when I pulled up to the location I noticed my cars outside temperature read 51 degrees.  Yikes!  I knew that would be too cold for the girls.  For anyone, really - as it pertains to being comfortable enough to be yourself when you are getting photos taken of you.  But we were all on site, dressed, and ready to go.  So I told myself, "Self, we just gotta make it work!". 

As we were on our short walk from the parking lot to the field of purple flowers I started to believe it would be warm enough IN THE SUN.  So I knew I would have to do all my photography in the full sun. 

Their faces had to be in front of the sun (meaning the sun was on their back) so a little bit of metering, adjusting up a stop, and changing my ISO, seemed to help me in the field.  There ended up being some major lightening up in post processing so their faces lit up a little bit more.  This is where I will continue to grow as a photographer.

Overall though, I'm pleased.  Very pleased.  Their clothing accented perfectly with the purple flowers and the greenery all around them.  I knew there were wild flowers on site, I just did not know what color or how many, if enough at all.  (side note: this is where pre-planning and scoping out your photoshoot is really helpful BEFORE your shoot) But it all worked out!

And with all kid photography, there will always be a few outtakes that are necessary to post process because, come on - look how adorable! :)


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