Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Whale Watching!

My husband is a Santa Cruz native.  I'm a transplant to Santa Cruz, but was born and raised in California.  As a married couple of almost 20 years, we have lived close to the beach.  We have spent many summers on the sand while raising two boys.  Growing up, I would go to the harbor every Sunday with my dad and his best friend and take the sailing boat out onto the bay.  We love the water, the sand, and the sea life!  But, we have n e v e r taken a whale watching boat tour before... until this past Sunday.

We had been hearing about the Orcas in the bay surrounding and killing a gray whale calf.  We know it's the season for humpbacks, blues, and gray whales.  So we said, let's do it!  Thanks to Groupon, I had our Sunday morning tour booked within minutes.

We boarded the Sea Goddess vessel at 0930 hours.  As we maneuvered through the harbor, the Captain said he could already see a "blow" right outside of the mouth of the harbor!  All I could think was, YAY!!!  And he was right!  We were maybe a football field length outside of the harbor when there were humpback whales to the port side of the ship. We were on the starboard side, so we waited and were patient.  We saw a white-ish nose of a whale pop up - full of barnacles - and then lost him.  That was our first spotting on our side of the ship.  We later found out that was the only gray whale of the day.  Bonus!  The rest were humpbacks.  We eventually got to see some humpbacks on our side of the ship.  So fun!  We could call the trip a success and go back in the first 30 minutes.  Buuuut... it was a two-hour tour.  So the captain continued on.  We stopped at the 1-mile buoy to watch more humpbacks and their calves.  So fun.  Then we made it out to about 2-3 miles.  It got quiet on the water for a little bit, so we eventually made our way back to the 1-mile buoy where we saw more, or the same ones but we saw them again. :)

The captain put the engine in gear and was just starting to go when, right in front of us, a humpback whale breached! Almost clearing the water with his/her entire body!  And for whatever reason, I was the only one of the boat who captured the breach on camera.  And there were about 50 people who had cameras up and in hand the entire tour! Crazy!

High School Graduation Photo Shoots!

'Tis the season for graduation announcements!  Hence, photo shoot spring season commence.  Ha!  I love these kids.  They are just about to leave the nest of home, they are adults now, and they have some confidence.  So it's fun to capture all of that in a photo session.  All the seniors I have had the privilege to photograph seem to embrace the spotlight - even if they don't admit it!
Capitola Beach - May 2017

Capitola Beach - May 2017

Boulder Creek - October 2016

Boulder Creek - October 2016

Capitola Village - November 2011

Watsonville - June 2011

Placerville - November 2015

El Dorado Hills - August 2013

El Dorado Hills - August 2013

Nursing Graduate - April 2015


It is an honor and a privelege to be able to capture newborn babies!  Every time I get a call for a newborn session, I am filled with excitement and nerves!  The best time to do a newborn photo shoot is right after they are born. Literally, within the first week. Why?  Because they sleep sooooo much and can be "bothered" enough to (usually) sleep through the whole thing.  However, I rarely get babies that want to sleep.  Isn't that funny? I'm still learning all about newborn photo shoots through the actual shoots.  I don't think I've mastered it, but I do think I capture enough of the newborn-ness that makes a parent happy.
Newborn - natural light - April 2017

Newborn - natural light - December 2016

Newborn with Dad - natural light - December 2016
Newborn - natural light - January 2015
Newborn and big sister - natural light - January 2015

Adoption - 2 years old - natural light - November 2012